
Santa Claus village, Finland

Merry Christmas!!!!

Are you enjoy today?
I want to talk about Santa Claus village in Finland.


We can meet and talk with santa claus in there!!
サンタクロース ‐フィンランドの絶景・名所‐

and... we can see aurora, because there is the arctic.

北極圏の境界線 ‐フィンランドの絶景・名所‐

オーロラ ‐フィンランドの絶景・名所‐

If I could go there, my christmas would be really happy!!

Have a special day.

Mauna kea, Hawaii

Hi I'm Haruka.

Today, I introduce starlight sky in Mauna kea, Hawaii.

We can see so beautiful stars at Mauna kea like this...クリックすると新しいウィンドウで開きます

Most place in Japan, we don't have a chance to see the stars in the skies.

I want to go a place like this to see the stars.


Aurora in Yellowknife

Hi I'm Haruka.

Today, I wanna talk about AURORA.

I wanna go to Yellowknife in Canada to see aurora.
There is one of the most famous place where we can see aurora beautifully and clearly.

Aurora has 5 levels -level1 to level5.
オーロラ レベル1:level1 someone can narrowly see aurora
オーロラ レベル2:level2 most everyone can see aurora
オーロラ レベル3:level3 everyone can see aurora, and its movements a bit
オーロラ レベル4:level4 everyone can see aurora, and its movements clearly
オーロラ レベル5:level5 can see aurora's active movements and aurora break up

In Yellowknife, the rate of being able to see aurora more than level4 is 85% if you stay there for 3days. It's higher rate than other place we can see aurora like Iceland, Finland, Alaska, etc.

Why don't you want to see beautiful aurora once?

本当にスゴイオーロラはカーテン状ではない! 空一面に広がるのがホンモノ (C) Aurora Village


Salar de Uyuni

It's first posting!

I wanna introduce about the places I wanna go someday, at least once.

This time, I'll introduce Salar de Uyuni in Bolivia.
Salt lake appears when there is rainy season.

We can see symmetric view in Uyuni like this...

Maybe we won't understand where is a border between the ground and the sky. Awesome!!!!
And at night, Uyuni become like this...(if you were lucky)

Difficult to represent my mind if I actually saw this view.
It was the first posting!!
thank you